Adult SEL Series: Self-Management

  • Event Number
  • Date
    11/15/2023     3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
  • Presenters
    Jessica Donaldson, LMFT
  • Intended Audience
    Any School Staff
  • Location
  • Fee
  • PD Hours
  • Status
    Workshop Closed
No address available.

Research shows that adults with strong social and emotional skills build better relationships with students and teaching practices.

This Adult SEL Series will utilize CASEL's 5 domains of SEL to help educators and administrators cultivate their own social and emotional well-being.

Objectives for Adult SEL Series: Self-Management
- Understand Emotions Cycles and where you can make adjustments to have more desirable outcomes
- Explore unconscious beliefs you may be holding on to and how they impact your interactions with peers and students