Adult SEL Series: Decision Making Skills

  • Event Number
  • Date
    02/21/2024     3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
  • Presenters
    Jessica Donaldson, LMFT
  • Intended Audience
    Any School Staff
  • Location
  • Fee
  • PD Hours
  • Status
    Registration Closed
No address available.

Research shows that adults with strong social and emotional skills build better relationships with students and teaching practices.

This Adult SEL Series will utilize CASEL's 5 domains of SEL to help educators and administrators cultivate their own social and emotional wellbeing.

Objectives for Adult SEL Series: Decision Making Skills
- Understand what you currently consider when making decisions
- Explore 10 decision making skills
- Experience the utilization of 3 Signature Practices of SEL