Section 504: Law and Practice for Educators

  • Event Number
  • Date
    02/29/2024     8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Presenters
    Michelle A. Todd
  • Intended Audience
    Open to anyone who may be writing or implementing 504 plans.
  • Location
    ROE 33 PD Room , 932 Harrison St., Galesburg, IL 61401
  • Fee
  • PD Hours
  • Status
    Registration Closed

In this three-hour presentation, HLERK Attorney Michelle A. Todd will discuss the federal anti-discrimination statute Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, its implementing regulations, and the basics of the Section 504 process in schools.

Attendees will work through Section 504 referrals, conducting an evaluation under Section 504, making eligibility determinations, developing Section 504 plans with accommodations and modifications, and will discuss how to navigate controversial requests for accommodations at 504 meetings.

This presentation will also address Section 504 plan implementation across general education settings and the importance of general educators understanding and implementing Section 504 plans with fidelity.

Finally, we will review the proposed Section 504 regulations from the Department of Education and discuss the necessary changes to school districts' existing 504 plan process and procedure for students.