AA 3925 From the Pitch to the Classroom: Leadership Lessons from the Lasso Way

  • Event Number
  • Date
    01/18/2024     9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Presenters
    Dr. Ryan Wamser, Area 5 SEL Grant Director and Matt Weld, Area 5 SEL Coach
  • Intended Audience
  • Location
    ROE 26 , 130 S. Lafayette Suite 200, Macomb, IL 61455
  • Fee
  • PD Hours
    AA Credit or 5 PD Hours
  • Status
    Registration Closed

Please register by January 12, 2024.

Participants will work through CASEL's Adult SEL Competencies through the lens of "the Lasso Way" and the show's top leadership lessons. They will also assess and reflect on their own situations, creating an SEL-informed leadership mindset and a draft for moving their school or district forward with SEL-related programming.

We take the participants through 8 Lessons on Leadership from the show 'Ted Lasso'. We illustrate each lesson with clips from the show, group discussions and activities, giveaways, and games. As Ted says, "Everyone is living a comedy, a tragedy, and a drama." We strive to cover both fun and serious topics while always being engaging.

About the presenters:
Dr. Ryan Wamser, Area 5 SEL Grant Director
Ryan has taught middle school Physical Education, high school drivers education/health, been a high school Assistant Principal, an elementary principal, assistant Regional Superintendent, and a district Superintendent. He is currently the Director of School Improvement for ROE #40 as well as the Director of the Area 5 SEL Hub. Ryan is passionate about helping to support teachers and administrators in any way possible. When not working, Ryan loves spending time with his wife Michelle and their four kids.

Matt Weld, Area 5 SEL Coach
Matt has taught 7th-grade science and ELA, been a junior high Assistant Principal, a K-8 Technology Coach, and is currently the Area 5 SEL Coach and Director of Learning Technologies. He's also a Google Certified Trainer, Registered Yoga Teacher, and IL Master Gardener. His passions include helping people realize their potential, making things, reading, plants, and the outdoors.