AA 2000 - IL Performance Evaluation - Initial Principal Evaluation Training for Pre-Qualified Principal Evaluators (2-Day Training)
Event Number403-24
Dates04/26/2024 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM04/29/2024 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
PresentersPatrick Durley
Intended AudienceThis academy is for educators who are seeking initial training qualification to be legally qualified to conduct evaluations of principals.
LocationROE 33 - PD Room, 932 Harrison St., Galesburg, IL 61401
PD HoursAA Credit or PD Hours
StatusRegistration Closed
This two-day academy is for educators who are seeking initial training qualification to be legally qualified to conduct evaluations of principals. The training aligns to the Illinois School Code competencies defined by Administrative Code Part 50, Section 50.420 (c).
To be eligible to attend, you must complete ISBE-required pre-work at least 72 hours before the training and must attend both days of in-person training.