Children Learn What They Live: How Trauma Affects Student Achievement and How We Can Help
Event Number577-24
Date05/29/2024 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
PresentersKate Mallory
Intended AudienceArea 3 TAOEP, Truancy, McKinney-Vento staff, educators, etc. (Open to anyone)
PD Hours2
StatusRegistration Closed
It is essential that schools provide a safe haven for ALL students and ensure that they have access to any additional support they may need due to toxic stress and early childhood adverse experiences. This training will enable participants to identify toxic stress and the effects of adverse childhood experiences to the brain. The ACE Study will be explored and how the results can affect academic outcomes. Participants will also be introduced to successful educational programs and trauma-informed practices that assist school personnel in supporting children who have endured trauma.
Training Objectives:
- Identify Trauma & Toxic Stress
- Understand the significance of the ACE Study and Building Resiliency
- Recognize Common Triggers of Trauma
- Understand the Impact of Trauma on Child Development, Learning, Education & Relationships
- Develop a Trauma-Informed School Environment
- Identify and Increase Protective Factors while Reducing Risk Factors
- Recognize Examples of Trauma-Informed Practices in Schools