Professional Boundaries

  • Event Number
  • Date
    04/04/2024     8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Presenters
    Joe McQueen
  • Intended Audience
    School staff, Teachers, Administrators, Open to the Community
  • Location
    ROE 26 - First Floor Conference Room, 130 S. Lafayette Suite 200, Macomb, IL 61455
  • Fee
  • PD Hours
  • Status
    Registration Closed

This training explores the value of boundaries and offers guidance for developing, promoting, and supporting healthy boundaries in work roles and settings. Boundaries are built upon a trusted relationship that fosters open communication and information-sharing. Boundaries are intended to help professional relationships while identifying limits around appropriate behaviors in working relationships. Good boundaries encourage people to look for and support culturally and age-appropriate boundaries across self-disclosure, relationships, communication, confidentiality, language, respect, behavior, and beliefs.

Training Objectives:
- Communicate to staff what constitutes healthy and unhealthy relationships and how to set boundaries with students/clients in a positive learning environment.
- Develop an understanding of how professional boundaries are the legal, ethical, and organizational frameworks that protect clients and employees from physical and emotional harm and help support a safe working environment.
- Demonstrate how good boundaries offer structure and limits while offering certain freedoms and encouragement.
- Guide educators to know that effective boundaries can help them avoid the frustrations of a more coercive, win-lose approach.