Summer Reading Professional Learning (June 1 - August 31, 2024)

  • Event Number
  • Dates
  • Presenters
    Stephanie Harrison & Jessica Donaldson
  • Intended Audience
    Open to any educators
  • Location
  • Fee
  • PD Hours
  • Status
    Registration Closed
No address available.

Looking for opportunities to sharpen your educator skills over the summer? Do you also enjoy reading? Join us for summer book study professional learning opportunities!

How does it work:
1. You choose the book you are interested in reading and purchase your own copy.
2. Register for the book study of your choice
3. We will follow up with an email giving you access to a padlet where you will answer your discussion questions.
4. Your padlet responses must be completed by August 31st to get Educator PD Credit.

Books to choose from based on topic:
Trauma & Resilience: Peace by Piece by Cheryl Fuller
Culture & Diversity: How the Word is Passed by Clint Smith
Family & School Partnerships: Engage Every Family: Five Simple Practices by Steven Constantino
Engagement: Even More Hacking Engagement by James Sturdevant
Assessments: Hacking Assessments by Starr Sackstein
Group Work: Hacking Group Work by Connie Hamilton