AA #4050 Evaluator Initial Training and Retraining for Principals and Assistant Principals

  • Event Number
  • Dates
    07/24/2024     8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
    07/26/2024     8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
  • Presenters
    Ralph Grimm & Jeff Whitsitt
  • Intended Audience
  • Location
    ROE 33 PD Room, 932 Harrison St., Galesburg, IL 61401
  • Fee
  • PD Hours
    AA Credit or PD Hours
  • Status
    Registration Closed

Register by July 12, 2024.

Participants will synthesize the School Leader Paradigm to understand the personal intelligences, knowledge, and skills necessary for school leaders to effectively lead a learning organization; evaluate the research base to communicate the impact that effective school leaders have on a learning organization; analyze the School Leader Evaluation Plan to discern how the process grows school leaders' personal intelligences and leadership skills that actualize school improvement and student growth goals; and critique Professional Practice and Student Growth Cycles of Inquiry to assess the approaches of each to a school's Problems of Practice.

- This AA replaces AA #2000 and AA #1865 & #3000.
- You will receive your own bound copy of the School Leader Collaborative's "School Leader Evaluation Plan" workbook.