Preparing for the Unimaginable: An In-Depth Look and Wellness, Trauma Recovery, and Resilience
Event Number906-25
Date11/19/2024 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
PresentersThe Vermont Center for Responder Wellness: Sonny Provetto, LICSW
Intended AudienceK-12, Higher Education, and Law Enforcement
PD Hours3.5
StatusRegistration Closed
Register HERE by Nov. 12th:
Both K-12 Schools and Institutions of Higher Education remain dedicated to serving students across Illinois, while still facing potential school safety issues. Despite these challenging times, educators, staff, and school resource officers are required to carry out their duties. While the full impact of school safety issues on staff and students remains unclear, one thing is certain, repeated and intense exposure to chronic stress and traumatic material is harmful.
Health and wellness are concerns for all multidisciplinary stakeholders involved in education and school safety, especially with job stress and the trauma experienced in the event that the unimaginable occurs. This 4-hour training addresses wellness, trauma recovery, and resiliency, including:
• Having a conversation about mental health
• Understanding stress and trauma
• Staying resilient when the unimaginable happens
• Early interventions EMDR, CISD Model (pros and cons)
• Peer support & wellness programs