Teach.Train.Thrive. (Part 2)

  • Event Number
  • Date
    04/14/2025     8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
  • Presenters
    Teach.Train.Thrive. Presenter
  • Intended Audience
    Educators, Administrators, LCPCs, SWs, RNs
  • Location
    Regional Office of Education #26, 130 S. Lafayette, Suite 200, Macomb, IL 61455
  • Fee
  • PD Hours
  • Status

There are certain topics that must be mastered for teachers to feel confident and happy in their classrooms. Educators have an incredible knowledge in the content they'd like to convey, and an incredible passion for working with students. What might be missing is the study of how to cultivate ideal classroom behavior from their students to be able to effectively teach.

For certain school district educators, a deeper understanding of behavior is necessary to be able to lead the change in the district. In this workshop, educators will learn research based techniques that have not yet made their ways to schools. They will also learn more about the causes of common classroom behavior.

The Teach. Train. Thrive. Curriculum is Professional Development for educators, created by an educator/BCBA. It's direct instruction on how to change behavior in the classroom.

Note: You can attend Part 2 even if you have not attended Part 1.