Promoting Psychological Safety and Equity both in and Outside the Classroom
Event Number727-25
Date02/20/2025 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
PresentersRegina Johnson, ROE #26 & #33 Professional Learning Specialist
Intended AudienceSchool leaders and administrators, counselors, social workers, education staff, etc.
LocationROE #33 - PD Room, 932 Harrison St., Galesburg, IL 61401
PD Hours3
StatusRegistration Closed
This Professional Development is an opportunity for those invested in student success, research-based practices for closing the achievement gaps, and building communities of belonging, in addition to growing their individual capacity to lead.
During the time together participants will,
- Explore the four stages of psychological safety.
- How they impact personal, professional, and student relationships.
- Additionally, using them as a guide to building culturally fortifying educational environments and teams.