AA #990 Student Behavioral Threat Assessment

  • Event Number
  • Date
  • Presenters
    Sandra Ellis & Ronald Ellis
  • Intended Audience
    School Administrators, Key faculty, Psychological Services, Counselors, Local Law Enforcement, School Resource Officers, Local Community Services, Mental Health Agencies, and School Legal Counsel
  • Location
    Regional Office of Education #26, 130 S. Lafayette , Macomb, IL 61445
  • Fee
  • PD Hours
  • Status
    Registration Closed

The purpose of this one-day seminar is to provide increased understanding of the framework and application of student behavioral threat assessment in elementary and secondary schools. The training materials provide in-depth information, model policies and sample operational guidelines, protocols for law enforcement interviews of students at school, threat assessment team models, and related research studies. The training targets actions based on behavioral assessments and focuses attention to school and public safety concerns as well as legal issues involved in the process of managing potentially
dangerous student behavior. Participants will gain an enhanced understanding and ability to identify persons exhibiting threatening or aberrant behaviors, evaluate the risk of the threat, and provide appropriate interventions and case management strategies to reduce the risk of violence. Link for Registration: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ega6ib2l6d7c4067&oseq=&c=